Transfiguration Catholic Church

Transfiguration Catholic Church

Tranfiguration Catholic Parish, Wauconda, IL Completed: Spring 2016 A project a little out of the norm for me; project includes installation of a new baptismal font, renovation of the choir area, and new floor finishes for the sanctuary and nave. The baptismal is for...
The Dailey Method

The Dailey Method

The Dailey Method Elmhurst, IL Completed: February 2012 2486 sf Yoga Studio Buildout within former office space with conventional dropped ceilings, removed ceilings and exposed beautiful existing bow-truss roof...
Miller Residence

Miller Residence

Miller Residence Glen Ellyn, IL Completed: Spring 2017 Kitchen and dining room renovation, completed with Windham Custom...
Isabelle Residence

Isabelle Residence

Isabelle Residence Bloomingdale, IL Completed: October 2016 Kitchen, Family Room, and Mud Room...
Flight 112 Wine Bar

Flight 112 Wine Bar

Flight 122 Wine Bar Elmhurst, IL Completed: Fall 2013 Dining room and kitchen expansion for restaurant originally completed by RBP as part of the Effigy Salon/Glitch Galleries project in...
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